Due to the wide range of deburring requirements, unfortunately there is not one machine that can do everything. Therefore, SFT offers a wide range of deburring machines to suit your needs.
Remove scratches/deburr…parts get scratches from roller ball tables on punching machines and laser cutting machine slats. The only way to remove these scratches is with an abrasive wide belt. The initial heavy burr is also removed with the first front belt.
Round the edge…rounded edges are accomplished by a cross belt or radial brush tool. These sharp edges are often a result of a wide belt deburring machines secondary burr, punching machines, or poor-quality laser cuts. Removing the sharp corners makes the parts safer to handle and promotes better paint/powder adhesion.
Linear grain… after the scratches are removed, secondary belt heads fitted with abrasive belts or scotchbrite belts can provide linear grains with exceptional finish.
- Multiple head machine configurations for deburring and edge rounding
- Capabilities to do both sides of the part at the same time
- Widths up to 52”
- Automatic machine set up and program storage
- Reduce labor required
- Improve part quality
- Improve part finish consistency
- Increase throughput by processing both sides of the part

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