Sterling Fab Tech

Factory: 123-456-789

Power Fastener

TruTool TF 350 (3A1) USA tilting arm


Fast and economical connection
Joining is the simplest and most cost-effective way of connecting two or more metal parts. With the TruTool TF 350 you can produce a form-fitting material connection with joints that are easy to reproduce using cold forming. Whether the workpieces are coated or uncoated is irrelevant. The TruTool TF 350 joins overall material thicknesses of 0.8 mm to max. 4 mm. The result is a long-lasting connection in one operation, without additional connecting elements.

Includes order processing fee.

SKU 2598678 Weight 8.3 Category

Straight to the point
The connection point is secure and resilient and the joining points are resistant to corrosion.

No fasteners
No screws or rivets are used, which saves costs and simplifies handling

Perfect surface in one operation
The joining quality does not depend on whether surfaces are coated or uncoated.

120 joining points per minute
Simple single stroke activation with consistent strength and connection quality.


Weight 8.3 kg