Apex Finishing Machine



  • Apex Machine Group
  • Finishing machine
  • Heavy welded cage type frame, made in carbon steel plate and tubing
  • Lifting-lowering screws mounted on long distance for more rigidity and stability
  • Disc station oscillation control with variable speed setting for processing different types of materials
  • High efficiency exhaust dust hood system to assist in keeping machine area clean
  • Idle table rollers support on in-feed to assist when feeding larger parts
  • Rubber covered hold down rollers with heavy duty springs with adjustment screws for proper hold down pressure
  • This machine is under power and available for demonstration


  • Machine Model: Apex 1000 series 1037M-SS
  • Machine Year: 2021
  • Voltage: 460
  • Hertz: 60

Buyer Responsibilities:

  • Machine decommissioning and rigging
  • Trucking to final destination
  • All details should be confirmed by the purchasing party